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Strategystorming - The Strategy Studio & Shop for Smart Business

VIP Strategic Planning Day With StrategyStorming - Designing Your + Brand + Strategy For Your Business

VIP Strategic Planning Day With StrategyStorming - Designing Your + Brand + Strategy For Your Business

Regular price $697.00 AUD
Regular price $997.00 AUD Sale price $697.00 AUD
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The Strategy Planning Day Private Workshop Sessions To Design Your Better Business

Strategy + Brand + Storytelling + Architecture

Everything you need to know to create Actionable insights with a clear roadmap of purpose & progress.

It's Strategic progress. Achievable execution. The time for starting your business and brand strategy day is today.

Start to design what your business needs, today. This is about strategic planning and getting on course.

Why a Brand Strategy Planning Day is the best move for you now.

Having a hard time staying ahead of competitors in your market? Growing frustrated with digital disruption throwing off your business results? Not sure how to keep up with changing market trends? Struggling to plan your 2023 strategy during these uncertain times?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, a Strategy Day with Strategystorming is the move for you. A Strategy Day enables your organization to directly engage in strategic development and strategic planning of your business. 

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. %u2013 Chinese Proverb © Source:

This is how you actually work ON your business.

It's time to stop working IN your business. STOP the firefighting as a glorious form of business. It's not. It's a time and resource waster; it neglects the best future that you have possible.

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

It's time to find a better way of doing things. Find your own brand strategy - your own "shortcuts"; your own methods that bring your amazing value to your clients. It's about seeing what's ahead, and doing what's important, today AND tomorrow. You don't need to sacrifice the busy-ness of today for a better future, tomorrow. 

"Business is not going to be getting any easier, any time soon, even with amazing AI tools. It's time to rethink & reimagine & reinvent how to do business smarter, not harder."

What type of business is this Brand Design Strategy Day Best for?

Do you enjoy using strategy tools that are creative, fun, playful, and analytical? This might be for you, if you are a:

  1. Marketing Agency: Creative and playful strategy tools can help marketing agencies brainstorm innovative campaigns, develop unique positioning, and create engaging content for their clients.

  2. Strategy & Innovation Consultant: These consultants specialize in fostering innovation within organizations. Creative and playful strategy tools can help them facilitate ideation sessions, encourage out-of-the-box thinking, and design innovative strategies.

  3. Design Studio: Creative strategy tools can aid design studios in developing unique visual identities, exploring new design approaches, and incorporating playful elements into their design strategies.

  4. Content Marketing Agency: Content marketing agencies can utilize creative and playful strategy tools to generate fresh content ideas, map content distribution channels, and analyze data to optimize content performance.

  5. Coaching Service: Creative coaches can leverage playful strategy tools to inspire and motivate individuals, facilitate creative problem-solving, and unlock their clients' creative potential.

  6. Branding Agencies: Branding agencies can utilize playful strategy tools to help their clients uncover brand personalities, develop brand positioning, and create memorable brand experiences.

  7. Startups and Entrepreneurial Ventures: Startups and entrepreneurs can enjoy using creative and playful strategy tools to brainstorm business ideas, validate market opportunities, and develop innovative business models.

We've created strategy tools that combine your creativity, playfulness, and analytical thinking into brand strategy design for your business. By incorporating these brand strategy elements into your strategy processes, you can foster innovation, enhance collaboration, and bring a fresh perspective to your work, and deliver better value to your clients and customers.


It's time to rethink and reinvent how you think and do "strategy"; that time is now. This is the real-world of Strategic Planning

This is strategy and strategic thinking that is insightful, playful, yet with clear purpose and priorities. This is strategic planning that gets the job done.

It's time to regroup and rethink your strategy and goals with the help of Strategystorming concepts and methods, which will help you to target and solve your most pertinent business challenges.

Stop spinning your wheels - stop spending resources on tactics that don't work.

What Is The VIP Strategy Planning Day About?

The biggest question that you'll get answers at the Strategy Planning Day is: "How can I develop a clear and effective strategy to drive the growth and success of my business?"

Throughout the private workshop, you will gain insights and guidance on how to define your business goals, identify strategic opportunities, and develop a roadmap to achieve them. The Strategy Planning Day will provide you with the tools, frameworks, and expert support needed to address this critical question and create a robust strategy that aligns with your vision and propels your business forward, despite the uncertainties that we see and don't see.

By the end of the strategy day private workshop session, you will have a clear understanding of the steps to take, the decisions to make, and the actions to implement in order to navigate challenges, outperform competitors, and achieve your business goals. The Strategy Planning Day is designed to empower you with the knowledge and confidence to tackle strategic planning head-on and set a solid foundation for your business's future success.

What is The Strategy Planning Day?

It's Private & Personalised Strategy Development, just for you & your team

We go hands-on and in-depth with your business during a customized, live, multi-hour, personalized, private, and exclusive session that covers only you and your business. This is not a group workshop with other attendees; this is us working with you directly on your brand story strategy. This is how we get things done quickly and effectively. No distractions from other attendees, only the singular focus on you and your business, your challenges and how to overcome them.

You don't need to 'share' with others who don't really know your business, or expect to contribute to anything but your own business. This is how a personalized and private workshop works. This is only about you and your business. Nothing else really matters, right?

This is like your very own private strategy VIP access, where results and activities are focused only on you, your business, your challenges, how to solve them, and more importantly, what you can do next to keep growing. 

During this immersive and transformative event, you'll embark on a strategic journey that will equip you with the tools, knowledge, and insights needed to achieve exceptional growth and success.

These are independent, private, exclusive strategy-building sessions. It is not an "open" workshop with other businesses. This is just about you and your team learning and executing key strategic thinking skills and tools to create the future that you deserve, now.

Bring just yourself or up to 6 key people in your organisation to your private Strategy Day session, to get the maximum long-term value.


What Does The Strategic Planning Day Look Like?

Your Strategy Day sessions will consist of 2 sessions of 2 hours each. The sessions will be broken down into 3 main components

  1. The Strategy Expedition - exploring & understanding how to get ready for the harsh & unforgiving business and market landscape that we are all in. Deep dive and understand more about you and your business in the 10 Basecamps that you will need to explore, know and do to raise your game significantly and to build your competitive advantage to get there. Finish your expedition by increasing your competitive abilities. 
  2. Strategystorming Your Future - designing a better business through your strategic thinking and execution. You'll come away with a detailed roadmap of your priorities, an 'architecture' of what your business needs to become, what your "North Star" actually looks like, what your 3D business model looks like in the palm of your hands, as well as a business radar and many other tools to put your strategic thinking into practical purpose. Find your quick wins and cheat sheet to get things rolling and ready for your long-term strategic execution.
  3. What About AI? Yes, we'll also look deep at how to integrate AI into your business strategy, so you don't miss out on this incredible opportunity for businesses that are truly preparing for the future. You'll discover how to use AI, not just for 'task management', but more so for strategic purposes, like helping you build your visual strategy models and your brand architecture

There will also be some pre-work to start to get alignment in the experiences that you will be creating.

This is not brainstorming on a whiteboard to come up with a to-do list, making a SWOT or 'tweaking' your vision and mission statement. Using the Strategystorming proven strategic thinking and doing methodologies, this goes deep into your strategic thinking and using a variety of thinking and doing devices to help you actually see what your strategy can look like, once you understand your strategic thinking abilities and capabilities.

"Strategy is a set of insights from which we build a framework to guide your future decisions"

What does AI & Artificial Intelligence have to do with Businesses that will perform better?

We're adding a top-of-mind module to really help you integrate & execute properly with Artificial Intelligence as part of your business strategy. Yes, we are at a critical junction of what to do and how to harness AI into our business strategy. But, there are some big things to consider first, that we will explore as part of your exclusive, private workshop. We'll look deep at how to integrate AI into your business strategy, so you don't miss out on this incredible opportunity for businesses that are truly preparing for the future.

Integrating AI into the Strategy Planning Day workshop is a powerful way to enhance your strategic decision-making and explore the potential of AI-driven solutions.

Here's how we will approach AI as part of your Strategy Day Private Workshop

Setting the Context of AI in your business:

An overview of AI and its transformative impact on your industries. Discuss real-world examples of how AI has been successfully integrated into business strategies to drive growth, improve efficiency, and gain a competitive edge.

Understanding AI Applications:

Dive deeper into the specific applications of AI in the context of strategic planning. Discuss how AI can be leveraged for your activities to analyze large datasets, uncover insights, and generate actionable recommendations. Explore areas such as predictive analytics, customer segmentation, market trend analysis, and risk assessment.

Identifying Strategic Opportunities:

Identifying your strategic opportunities where AI can make a significant impact on your businesses. Brainstorm potential use cases and scenarios where AI-powered tools and algorithms can enhance decision-making, optimize processes, or unlock new revenue streams.

Evaluating AI Tools and Solutions:

Investigate different types of AI tools and solutions available in the market. Discuss considerations such as reliability, scalability, integration capabilities, and ethical implications. Emphasize the importance of selecting the right AI tools at the right time that align with your strategic goals and provide a clear value proposition.

Building an Effective AI Strategy & Integrating it into Your Business Strategy:

Develop an AI strategy integration that aligns with your overall business strategy. Clearly understand how to identify the right AI use cases, set realistic goals, allocate resources, and create a roadmap for implementation. Emphasize the need for a phased approach, starting with small-scale experiments and gradually expanding AI initiatives.

Addressing Challenges and Risks:

Discuss the challenges and risks associated with AI integration. Explore data privacy, bias in algorithms, skill gaps, and change management. Learn how to mitigate these challenges and foster a culture of continuous learning and adaptation.

Hands-on Scenario Planning:

Incorporate hands-on exercises and case studies to reinforce your learning and encourage practical application. Look at opportunities to work on AI-driven strategic scenarios, analyze data using AI tools, and develop strategies that leverage AI capabilities.

It's time to embrace Artificial Intelligence and put it properly into your business, strategically

As 'smart' as it is, it isn't nor should it be implemented as. a"quick fix". Don't just put it on top or plug something in that won't add strategic value down the road, otherwise, you're just wasting your time, money, and resources with AI.

As part of the Strategy Day private workshop, you will gain a deeper understanding of the potential of AI in strategic decision-making. You will learn how to identify strategic opportunities for AI integration, evaluate AI tools and solutions, and develop an AI strategy that aligns with their business goals. The goal is to empower participants to make informed decisions about incorporating AI into their strategic planning process, ensuring it is purposeful, effective, and aligned with their overall strategic direction.

Now is the time to integrate AI into your business strategy with your Strategy Day private workshop. It's time to get on this wagon to make your business built to last.


Why would I want to do a Strategy Planning Day with my company? What will I get out of it?

After completing the Strategy Planning Day workshop, you will feel energized, inspired, and equipped with a wealth of new ideas, insights, and solutions to drive your businesses forward, and quickly.

Here's what you will harness

  1. Empowered: Attendees will feel empowered, knowing that they have the knowledge and tools to take control of their business's future. You will gain a renewed sense of confidence in their abilities as strategic decision-makers.

  2. Inspired: The workshop will ignite a spark of inspiration, fueling your creativity and encouraging you and your team to think outside the box. You will be motivated to explore innovative ideas and approaches to overcome challenges and seize new opportunities.

  3. Focused: With a clear strategic plan in hand, you will feel a renewed sense of focus. You will have a roadmap to guide your actions, ensuring that every effort contributes to your business's growth and success.

  4. Optimistic: Discovering new ideas, insights, and solutions will create a sense of optimism for you. You will see the potential for positive change and improvement within your businesses, leading to a more optimistic outlook for the future.

  5. Energized: The Strategy Planning Day will infuse you with energy and enthusiasm. You will be energized to implement the strategies and ideas discussed during the workshop, propelling your businesses forward with renewed vigor.

  6. Resourceful: Armed with a toolkit of strategic resources, you will feel resourceful and well-equipped to tackle your business challenges and make informed decisions. You will have a range of tools and frameworks at your disposal to guide your problem-solving and planning processes.

  7. Connected: You will feel a sense of connection and belonging within a community of individuals striving for business excellence, fostering future collaborations and support networks.

By attending the Strategy Planning Day, you will experience these empowering and motivating feelings, propelling you to take decisive action, implement new ideas, and unlock the full potential of your business and team.


What Are the Bonuses & Special Gifts That I'll Receive for The Strategy Day Promotion?

As part of our start of the the new Financial Year special offer, you'll get a bunch of gifts & bonus materials to really help with your strategy development:

  1. $300 discount on your Strategy Day (reduced to $697 until June 30 ONLY)
  2. 2x Bonus accountability session check-ins of 1 hour each, 45 & 90 days after your strategy day sessions
  3. Multiple Workbooks & worksheets
  4. Follow-up worksheets
  5. Special bonus gifts - strategy books & strategy training tools that you can take with you
  6. Quarterly roadmap/flightplan worksheets to keep you on track
  7. Quarterly Strategic thinking self-assessments to further hone and develop your strategic thinking skills and abilities
  8. Annual strategy review to ensure you are on track, staying focussed and on your right Flightplan
  9. Special AI Artificial Intelligence extended strategy workshop

Remember that you must book before the end of August to take advantage of these bonus strategy materials & gifts. Once booked, your Strategy Day can then be scheduled at select times within the next 3 months.


Here's what you will get with your own Private Strategy Day & what you can expect:

Key Outcomes of The Strategy Day:

  1. Clarity and Focus: Gain a clear vision of your business objectives and create a strategic action plan to guide your journey.
  2. Innovative Thinking: Cultivate a mindset of creativity and innovation to stay ahead of the competition and drive business growth.
  3. Goal Alignment: Align your personal values and aspirations with your business goals for long-term fulfillment and motivation.
  4. Competitive Advantage: Develop strategies that differentiate your brand and position you as a leader in your industry.
  5. Risk Mitigation: Identify and mitigate potential risks to ensure business resilience and adaptability.
  6. Enhanced Decision-Making: Improve your decision-making process by leveraging data, insights, and strategic thinking.
  7. Scalability and Growth: Discover avenues for scalable growth and expansion into new markets or customer segments.
  8. Improved Resource Allocation: Optimize your resource allocation to maximize productivity and achieve better outcomes.
  9. Increased Confidence: Boost your self-belief, take calculated risks, and seize new opportunities with confidence.
  10. Networking and Collaboration: Build valuable connections and explore collaborative opportunities to fuel your business growth.

Strategy Planning Day Criteria for Success:

Here's How you can measure success

  1. Achievement of Goals: Measure progress and success in relation to the goals you set during the Strategy Planning Day.
  2. Business Impact: Evaluate the positive impact of your strategic decisions on key business metrics and outcomes.
  3. Personal Growth and Development: Assess the growth and development of your skills, knowledge, and confidence as a business leader.

Strategy Planning Day Benefits:

  1. Gain clarity, focus, and direction for your business.
  2. Unlock innovative strategies to stay ahead of the competition.
  3. Align your business goals with your personal values and aspirations.
  4. Stand out with a strong competitive advantage in your industry.
  5. Mitigate risks and build resilience for long-term success.
  6. Improve decision-making with strategic insights and analysis.
  7. Scale your business and achieve sustainable growth.
  8. Optimize resource allocation for improved efficiency.
  9. Increase your confidence and take bold, calculated risks.
  10. Expand your network and foster valuable collaborations.


Not sure where to start with your business brand strategy? We've got you covered

Here are some different Types of Strategy that we will explore and engage with you on, during your strategy day private workshop:

Category Creation

  • Current vs future positioning
  • Positioning against competitors

Go to Market (Services "Packaging" & Pricing)

  • Design current and future strategy
  • Discuss partner opportunities
  • Detail sales & marketing strategy
  • Understand product roadmap
  • Identify opportunities to beat competitors
  • Leverage current product mix to segment and bundle

Becoming a Better Digital Business

  • Trends in your market
  • Technology shifts
  • The market size opportunity
  • Strategystorming framework
  • Making the digital shift 

Putting Artificial Intelligence to Work

  • AI technologies to understand (deep dive)
  • Integrating AI into your business strategy
  • AI workshop on your product.
  • Make vs licensing
  • How to launch AI in your offering
  • How to market and demonstrate your AI offerings

Benefits of a Strategy Day

  • Gain a deeper understanding of your market
  • Gain more knowledge about your competitors
  • Receive strategic advice and recommendations
  • Leave with deliverables – take home the strategy
Book Your Business Strategy Planning Day, not someday, but TODAY

Your Strategic Planning Day is not just about your mission & vision

Strategy day is more than just coming up with a slightly more refined vision and a slightly more powerful mission. While these are powerful, it's strategic execution that will really make you stand out and truly make a breakthrough with your business

It's about putting it all on the line and extracting the most competitive 'options'.

Designing your business is now achievable

Why do you actually need a Strategy Day?

A strategy planning day is an essential investment for entrepreneurs and consultants for several important reasons:

  1. Gain Clarity and Direction: Running a business or consultancy without a clear strategy can lead to aimless efforts and wasted resources. A strategy planning day helps you define your goals, identify opportunities, and chart a clear path forward. It provides the clarity and direction needed to focus your efforts on what truly matters for your business's growth.

  2. Stay Ahead of the Competition: In today's competitive landscape, businesses must continuously innovate and adapt to thrive. A strategy planning day allows you to explore innovative strategies and identify unique value propositions that set you apart from competitors. It equips you with the tools and insights to stay ahead and seize market opportunities.

  3. Optimize Resource Allocation: Limited resources are a common challenge for entrepreneurs and consultants. A strategy planning day helps you optimize resource allocation by identifying key priorities, streamlining processes, and making informed decisions. It ensures that your resources, including time, budget, and talent, are allocated effectively for maximum impact.

  4. Mitigate Risks and Foster Resilience: Every business faces risks, whether it's market fluctuations, changing customer demands, or unforeseen disruptions. A strategy planning day enables you to identify potential risks, develop risk mitigation strategies, and build resilience. By proactively addressing risks, you can navigate challenges more effectively and safeguard your business's sustainability.

  5. Drive Growth and Scalability: Sustainable growth is a common objective for entrepreneurs and consultants. A strategy planning day helps you explore growth opportunities, expand into new markets or customer segments, and create scalable business models. It provides a framework to strategically drive and manage growth, ensuring long-term success.

  6. Make Informed Decisions: Strategic decision-making is critical for business success. A strategy planning day equips you with the tools, frameworks, and data analysis techniques to make informed decisions. It enables you to evaluate options, weigh risks and benefits, and choose the best course of action to achieve your objectives.

  7. Boost Confidence and Motivation: Running a business or consultancy can be demanding, and self-doubt can sometimes creep in. A strategy planning day helps boost your confidence by providing a structured approach and validating your capabilities. It reignites your motivation, reminding you of your potential and empowering you to take bold, strategic actions.

Ultimately, a strategy planning day is a catalyst for growth, innovation, and success. It empowers entrepreneurs and consultants to overcome challenges, make strategic decisions, and achieve their goals. It's an investment in the future of your business, helping you unlock your full potential and drive meaningful results.

Now is your time to map it out to build in your competitive advantage to everything that you do.

Book your Private Strategy Day today, to take advantage of our special promotion.


Not Yet Sure If This Strategy Day Is For You?

Let's jump on a quick appointment with purpose to see if this will actually work with you.

It's a no-obligation quick session to quickly get to the heart of the strategy day, and see if and how this can work for you. 

Book a Strategy Discovery Call here and get an additional 15% off your final Strategy Planning Day Booking once you decide to book.


The Strategy Day Program Cost + Bonuses

$997 is the normal price of this for your private strategy day workshop. 

Book now and special EOFY bonus discounts - take $300 off if you book and pay for your session before the end of June, so the final cost is $697

That's a 30% discount to get your year-end wrapped up nicely and strategically ready for the next, upcoming year. PLUS, get all of the bonuses listed above.

Don't sit back and let another year get away from you,

The time to act is now.

Payable in one easy-to-purchase amount, or available now with a weekly payment plan.

Schedule your session times once confirmed. Sessions can be scheduled over the upcoming 3 months. 

Purchase now to lock in the promotion pricing discounts and bonuses.

Book your Strategy Planning Day NOW and get Year end savings for your strategy planning.

Our 100% Guarantee & Promise To You

Still not sure that this will work for you?  

We understand that making a decision to participate in a Strategy Planning Day workshop is an important one. To provide you with peace of mind and assure you of the value you'll receive, we offer the following guarantee:

Our Promise: If after attending the Strategy Planning Day workshop, you feel that it did not provide you with actionable insights, practical strategies, and a roadmap to elevate your business's strategic direction, we will offer you a 100% refund, no questions asked.

We are confident in the quality and effectiveness of our workshop, and we stand behind our commitment to delivering tangible results. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge, tools, and confidence to drive your business forward. If you are still unsure if this workshop is the right fit for you, we encourage you to give it a try without any risk. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we are dedicated to ensuring you receive exceptional value from your participation.

Take the first step towards transforming your business strategy and join us at the Strategy Planning Day workshop. We are excited to help you unlock new possibilities, discover innovative approaches, and accelerate your business growth.

Limited Time Offer For Your Strategy Day

Purchase your session now to lock in the special strategy day bonus & discounts. Once your purchase is confirmed, you will be provided with a link to select the day and times for your own Strategy Day Business Building Session.

This bonus pricing expires 31 August at 11:59pm, so book your seat now.

And we will revert to our regular strategy day pricing September 1st.

Don't let the new financial year get in the way. Start now so you are ready.

ONLY 12 Strategy Day Packages will be made available, Don't be disappointed.

Book your Strategy Day Session now while you still have a chance.


Strategy Day With StrategyStorming - Designing Your Business With the End in Mind

Let's plant that tree for you, now. Book Your Strategy Day Sessions now, before it's too late, and you miss out on the future.

Don't miss out on the future of your business. 


Here's what others are saying about The Strategy Day

"The Strategy Planning Day workshop was a turning point for my business. It provided a comprehensive framework to assess my business's strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. The workshop exercises helped me identify areas for improvement and develop practical action plans. The guidance and expertise of the facilitators were instrumental in shaping my strategy and guiding my decision-making process. I left the workshop feeling motivated, focused, and armed with the knowledge to tackle strategic challenges head-on. I highly recommend this workshop to anyone seeking to elevate their business."

"I can't express enough how impactful the Strategy Planning Day workshop was for my business. It helped me connect the dots and create a cohesive strategy that aligned with my vision. The workshop was well-structured, engaging, and filled with thought-provoking discussions. The facilitators created a supportive environment that encouraged open dialogue and idea sharing. Since attending the workshop, my business has experienced significant growth, and I credit it to the strategic insights and frameworks I acquired. This workshop is a must for any entrepreneur serious about achieving their business goals."

"The Strategy Planning Day workshop was a transformative experience for me and my team. It provided us with a structured approach to strategic planning and equipped us with practical tools and frameworks. The facilitators' expertise and guidance were invaluable as we navigated through challenges and uncovered new opportunities. The workshop not only helped us develop a robust strategy but also fostered a sense of alignment and collaboration within our team. I highly recommend this workshop to any business seeking to enhance their strategic capabilities."

Book Your Strategy Day Private Workshop Today, Before You Miss Out


Strategic Planning Day FAQ

1. What is the VIP Exclusive Strategy Day with StrategyStorming?

  • It's a private workshop session designed to help businesses create a comprehensive strategy that encompasses brand, storytelling, and architecture.

2. What will I learn during the Strategy Planning Day?

  • You will gain actionable insights, a clear roadmap of purpose and progress, and tools to design a better business strategy, brand, and storytelling architecture.

3. Why should I consider a Brand Strategy Planning Day now?

  • If you're struggling to stay ahead of competitors, facing challenges from digital disruptions, or uncertain about planning your 2023 strategy, a Strategy Day can provide the guidance and direction you need.

4. Who is the Brand Design Strategy Day best suited for?

  • It's ideal for various businesses, including Marketing Agencies, Strategy & Innovation Consultants, Design Studios, Content Marketing Agencies, Coaching Services, Branding Agencies, Startups, and Entrepreneurial Ventures.

5. How is the Strategy Planning Day structured?

  • The day consists of two sessions, each lasting 2 hours. These sessions will cover strategic exploration, understanding your business landscape, designing a better business strategy, and integrating AI into your business strategy.

6. How does AI fit into the Strategy Planning Day?

  • The private workshop delves deep into integrating AI into your business strategy, exploring its applications, identifying strategic opportunities, evaluating AI tools, and understanding how AI can enhance strategic decision-making.

7. What outcomes can I expect from the Strategy Day?

  • You'll gain clarity, focus, innovative thinking, goal alignment, risk mitigation, enhanced decision-making, scalability, improved resource allocation, increased confidence, and opportunities for networking and collaboration.

8. Are there any bonuses or special offers included?

  • Yes, there are several bonuses, including a $300 discount, accountability sessions, workbooks, strategy books, training tools, quarterly roadmaps, strategic thinking assessments, and an extended AI workshop.

9. How does the Strategy Day differ from other workshops?

  • It's a private and personalized strategy development session tailored to your business. Unlike group workshops, this focuses solely on your business, ensuring undivided attention and effective results.

10. How will AI be integrated into my business strategy during the workshop?

  • The workshop will cover the context of AI in business, understanding AI applications, identifying strategic opportunities, evaluating AI tools, building an effective AI strategy, addressing challenges, and hands-on scenario planning.

11. What are the benefits of attending the Strategy Planning Day?

  • Attendees will feel empowered, inspired, focused, optimistic, energized, resourceful, and connected, ready to implement strategies and ideas to propel their businesses forward.

12. How do I know if the Strategy Planning Day was successful?

  • Success can be measured by the achievement of goals, the positive impact on your business, personal growth and development, and the tangible benefits derived from the strategies implemented.

13. What types of strategy will be explored during the workshop?

  • Various strategies will be discussed, including category creation, current vs. future positioning, go-to-market strategies, digital business trends, and AI integration.

14. How do I book a Strategy Planning Day?

  • You can book your Strategy Planning Day directly through the StrategyStorming website. Remember to book before the end of August to avail of the special offers.

15. Why is strategic planning essential for my business?

  • Strategic planning provides clarity, direction, competitive advantage, optimized resource allocation, risk mitigation, and a roadmap for growth, ensuring long-term success.


Book your Strategic Planning session now, before they're filled.


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